Hot stamping and capping machine
Technoshell Automations Pvt. Ltd. is an automation machinery manufacturer based in Nashik, India. The company was established in 1990 and has been manufacturing and exporting hot foil stamping machines mainly outside India.
Since 2005, the company has been working as an OEM for a European machine manufacturer, while building up a track record with its own product lineup. In recent years, that OEM contract has been terminated and we are now expanding our sales to the global market.
It is an attractive manufacturer for customers who want to reduce investment costs while maintaining global standard quality.

Capping Inspection Machine
CP series:
A general-purpose machine that can be equipped with many functions required for capping.
Capable of handling various types of products such as oval, screw cap, snap-on, and laminated tubes.
The station configuration can be customized according to customer requirements.
Cap orientation to sleeve pattern, additional top seal inspection, and further post-cap inspection.
We have a proven track record of responding flexibly to customization requests, including the installation of inspection equipment requested by customers.
Hot Foil Stamping Machine
TSM series:
Fully automatic foil stamping machine with 5-station vertical turret. This is a flagship model that utilizes technology developed as an OEM of hot stamping machines in Europe.
The sensor that reads the I-mark also checks the position of the tube in the rotational and axial directions to ensure accurate reading of the tube position. The axial position is compensated by the movement of the stamping unit.
The direction of the line flow can be selected either right or left depending on the customer's preference.
Robo arm type tube caser
RTP Series:.
The RTP series is a 6-axis robotic arm type tube caser capable of handling up to 150 tubes/minute.
The robot arm is made by KUKA, based in Germany, and provides reliable automation.
Lid type, flap type, with or without medium bag can be selected. A 12" touch screen operation panel is available for easy recipe storage.
Case capacity can be increased up to 5 empty boxes and 5 preloaded boxes.